For business partners
Warning of invoice fraud
Invoice fraud attempts are currently taking place, most recently on the SAP Ariba platform. In these cases, fraudsters pose as HOCHTIEF employees and attempt to place orders with suppliers in their name and have the ordered goods delivered to themselves. Email addresses similar to HOCHTIEF email addresses are regularly used for this purpose. If you receive such an order, delete it.
Our procurement process is designed to prevent these activities. Therefore, no goods or services should be provided without a valid purchase order (PO). This protects against fraudulent activities. Orders are only sent from the following domains:
All domains use the security features such as SPF or DKIM. Use these as one technical measure alongside other plausibility checks to verify the authenticity of incoming mails.
We recommend that you forward suspicious emails to the Federal Office for Information Security (
Approximately 76% of the Group’s performance is used for material and subcontractor services. Throughout the Group, we have a standard target in Procurement: With regard to our economic, ecological and social standards, we aspire to always choose the “right” suppliers and subcontractors. Since each of our projects is unique and involves new challenges, we also pursue innovation and sustainability in Procurement. Efficiency and quality of procurement processes are very important for us and represent an important factor in our company’s success.
On this page
Basic principles
This is how we design our supply chain
In procuring materials and services, sustainability and transparency are extremely important for the HOCHTIEF Group and are firmly anchored in our processes. We are aware that we place stringent requirements on the procurement processes and hence on the choice of our business partners. Furthermore, in its supply chain HOCHTIEF also places great value on such aspects as price, functionality, quality and availability of products and companies.
Economic, ecological and social principles form the basis of the HOCHTIEF Group’s business. These principles are defined in our Procurement Directive. With these binding regulations, tried-and-tested and risk-minimizing processes, we describe the most important values, responsibilities and principles of conduct for all HOCHTIEF employees who are integrated into the procurement process.
Sustainable supply chain
All employees of Procurement are responsible for contributing towards a sustainable supply chain, which complies with HOCHTIEF’s economic, ecological and social standards. This also includes operating in a safe and healthy environment with minimum environmental pollution and simultaneous high quality of our products.
Human rights
Compliance with human rights in our supply chain is one of HOCHTIEF’s top priorities. This applies to all persons who are part of our supply chain or are affected by it.
Local companies
Our goal is to guarantee an environmentally friendly supply chain by primarily cooperating with local and sustainable companies. Through this approach, we want to keep transport routes short and promote the local economy.
Social integration
In cooperation with subcontractors and suppliers, we promote social integration and thereby invite all parts of the community to cooperate with us.
ESG Supplier Program and Risk Management Process
The process shown corresponds to the risk management process in the division HOCHTIEF Europe. Comparable processes have been established in the divisions HOCHTIEF Americas and HOCHTIEF Asia Pacific.
Joint standards provide quality as well as responsible operations in Procurement and ensure comprehensive prevention. Therefore, we have defined a fundamental and multistage risk management process, which serves as the basis for evaluating our supply chain. In this way, we want to ensure that ESG risks and/or violations are identified at an early stage in order to consequently minimize risks and remedy violations through targeted preventive and remediation measures (so-called corrective action plans).
This process includes an extensive prequalification of our contractual partners: We assess suppliers and subcontractors on the basis of multifaceted information obtained from supplier self-assessment.
In the first step, we ask for information on the company structure, general company data and sustainability aspects. In our international project business, we come into contact - directly or indirectly - with many people due to our extensive supply chain. As we owe responsibility to every one of them, safety and health as well as respect for human rights are top priorities at every link in our supply chain. That is why suppliers and subcontractors, including potential partners, from countries with an increased risk with regard to corruption, civil rights and political freedoms as well as human rights violations are examined with special focus in the course of an extended supplier self-disclosure.
In the second step, we check our suppliers and subcontractors against sanctions lists to rule out the possibility that economic and/or legal restrictions have been imposed on individuals or the company.
Subsequently, suppliers and subcontractors are checked with regard to their creditworthiness and financial strength. We work together with the provider Creditreform to obtain up-to-date creditworthiness information.
In fourth place, we check all relevant certificates with regard to their validity and up-to-dateness.
Additionally, for many years now, we have supplemented our prequalification process with an external ESG monitoring by collaborating with an independent third party to obtain transparency and information on the ESG performance of (potential) business partners. We carry out an abstract risk analysis that includes country-specific risks, sector-specific risks and commodity-specific risks. On this basis, we carry out a deeper concrete risk analysis. The concrete risk analysis consists of information provided by suppliers and subcontractors on matters such as environment protection, employment rights, human rights, anti-corruption and anti-bribery and supply chain responsibility as well as a comprehensive media screening. Wherever risks are identified, we work with the business partner concerned to develop specific preventive or remediation measures to manage identified risks or violations (corrective Action Plans). Our business partners have access to their ESG risk analysis results.
As a sixth step in our prequalification process, we also request data regarding occupational safety, health and environmental protection (OSHEP). We have established the lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) throughout the Group as a non-financial key performance indicator.
It is of central importance to us that our partners fulfill all contractual agreements and obligations while working with us and additionally that they act in conformity with our sustainability requirements. Our project teams continuously monitor the subcontractors and suppliers operating at HOCHTIEF construction sites, verifying that the contractually agreed performance has been delivered and that supplies of material are up to quality. Compliance with all stipulations and instructions on occupational safety and proper waste disposal or recycling form an essential part of this monitoring process. The weekly meetings between the project team and our contractual partners are set out in our guidelines and our risk management process.
Following completion of performance or delivery, our project teams conduct a post-project assessment. Such assessments are also carried out for longstanding suppliers and subcontractors and are performed within projects both with the aid of established IT systems and manually. The assessments include economic as well as ecologic and social aspects. Contractual partners with a positive rating are included in future tender processes. Should contractual partners fall short of our requirements and therefore receive a negative assessment from our project teams, we either provide them with targeted support within our supplier development process or flag with in our system such that they are no longer considered for future contracts (supplier phase-out). In principle, sustainability criteria are included in the award decision.
Our prequalification process also includes a training document on human rights and on our Code of Conduct for business partners
HOCHTIEF Code of Conduct for Business Partners and Human Rights - Our requirements to you
PDF (3.2 MB)Our buyers also receive regular training on topics related to sustainability in the supply chain. For 2023, we have set ourselves the goal of training 100% of our buyers.
In addition, purchasing practices towards business partners are continuously reviewed. Corresponding checks have been developed in an internal control matrix for this purpose.
The Supplier Code of Conduct represents an integral part of every supplier contract. Our prequalification process includes a training document on human rights and on our Code of Conduct for business partners.
The Executive Board is involved in all relevant processes and decisions regarding ESG aspects.
Furthermore, we identify significant suppliers and subcontractors in our supply chain. We define these on the basis of monopolies, particularly high contract volumes, deliveries of fundamentally important components as well as availability of resources. In 2023, HOCHTIEF worked with approx. 46,000 suppliers worldwide. We rated approx. 5,000—and hence about eleven percent of suppliers and subcontractors—as potentially significant. These represent around 70 percent of total procurement volume. In addition, in 2023 HOCHTIEF rated around 99,000 of non-tier 1 suppliers as potentially significant. Indirect contractors are considered as significant if one of the above criteria applies and they have a direct or indirect business relationship with one of our Tier 1 suppliers/subcontractors.
The HOCHTIEF Code of Conduct for Business Partners
Our basis for cooperation

HOCHTIEF not only places high requirements on itself but also on its subcontractors and suppliers. HOCHTIEF only cooperates with partners who comply with these requirements and who, for their own part, enforce and encourage compliance amongst their own subcontractors and suppliers. We have formulated our ecological and social requirements in our HOCHTIEF Code of Conduct for Business Partners.
Supplier portal
This is how we get to know each other
Suppliers and subcontractors can register in the HOCHTIEF supplier portal and have the opportunity to present their company and hence their services and products. By registering, suppliers and subcontractors become part of the HOCHTIEF network. They receive information about bid invitations and can make applications for these if they are interested.
To HOCHTIEF Solutions AG’s subcontractor and supplier portal
HOCHTIEF supPORT procurement platformCurrent projects and bid invitations for HOCHTIEF suppliers and subcontractors
You will find our non-European supplier portals of Turner and CIMIC here
Website for Turner subcontractorsWebsite for CIMIC suppliers
Documents (multilingual)
- Terms of Purchase
- Certificates HOCHTIEF Solutions AG
Minimal Payment Declarations
Erklärung über den Erhalt von Mindestentgelt nach AEntG (Deutsch Februar 2015)pdf (144.1 KB))
Albanisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (102.1 KB))
Arabisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (93.1 KB))
Bulgarisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (93.8 KB))
Englisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (100.3 KB))
Französisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (93.0 KB))
Griechisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (99.7 KB))
Italienisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (98.9 KB))
Kroatisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (99.8 KB))
Lettisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (94.3 KB))
Mazedonisch-Deutsch (März 2016)pdf (2.3 MB))
Niederländisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (89.3 KB))
Persisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (81.7 KB))
Polnisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (90.6 KB))
Portugiesisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (94.4 KB))
Rumänisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (94.8 KB))
Russisch_Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (91.3 KB))
Serbisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (98.3 KB))
Slowenisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (385.3 KB))
Spanisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (99.9 KB))
Tschechisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (90.9 KB))
Türkisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (85.3 KB))
Ungarisch-Deutsch (Februar 2015)pdf (99.1 KB))

Wolfgang Klee
Head of Procurement
Alfredstraße 236
D-45133 Essen
Tel.: +49 201 824-1269