HOCHTIEF has again been recognized in 2017 for its sustainable corporate management. The company has been included in the internationally renowned Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe for the twelfth time in a row and this year comes third with its result in the worldwide ranking of the construction industry.
HOCHTIEF's stock exchange quoted Group company CIMIC is listed in the corresponding Australian group. These indices list companies which operate in accordance with the principle of sustainability and, alongside financial criteria, also consider ecological and social criteria with regard to corporate management.
The assessment is based on a questionnaire in which HOCHTIEF provided over 270 pages of detailed information about topics including occupational health and safety, corporate governance, resource consumption, and climate protection. The information provided by the listed companies are evaluated by analysts of fund manager RobecoSAM. With its participation in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, HOCHTIEF reacts to the constantly growing demand by investors and analysts for transparent and documented sustainability engagement.
Alongside integrity, accountability, innovation, and delivery, sustainability is one of the Group's principles. HOCHTIEF has had an agreement in place with the International Labour Organization since 2000. Since 2008, the company has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact, supporting the Compact's principles regarding employment standards, environmental protection, and combating corruption.