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HOCHTIEF commits to German Sustainability Code

By committing to the German Sustainability Code (DNK), HOCHTIEF has once again pledged itself to the principles of sustainable action and business. The Code depicts the core of corporate sustainability in 20 criteria and supplementary performance indicators. In the declaration of compliance it has now issued, HOCHTIEF reports how the Group fulfills these criteria. In addition, every company discloses its corporate responsibility activities in a database, creating greater transparency and commensurability. More than 50 stock corporations, public companies and scientific organizations have already committed to the principles compiled by the German Council for Sustainable Development.

“HOCHTIEF places very great importance on sustainable action. For us, it is a matter of course to reconcile economic success with social and ecological issues. In this respect, we committed ourselves early on and in various ways. Our commitment to the DNK confirms this again,” says Peter Sassenfeld, member of the HOCHTIEF Executive Board.

HOCHTIEF’s CR strategy concentrates on sustainable products and services, active climate protection, resource protection, an attractive working environment, corporate citizenship and compliance.

Further information about the DNK and HOCHTIEF’s CR strategy can be found at <nobr></nobr>