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International recognition for HOCHTIEF’s sustainability achievements and ambition

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Dow Jones Sustainability Index inclusion for the 19th year running

For the 19th year in a row, the Group has been included in the renowned Dow Jones Sustainability Indices of S&P Global. HOCHTIEF is included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World and Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index. The company has achieved top rankings in all three dimensions of sustainability – environmental, social and governance & economic. The company has further improved in important environmental and social topics, such as climate strategy and biodiversity, as well as occupational safety and human rights.

HOCHTIEF aims to become climate-neutral by 2045 whilst delivering circular economy solutions. Ambitions near-term targets are defined in the Group’s Sustainability Plan 2025. “For us, economic success and sustainability are two sides of the same coin. We are pursuing our ESG goals in a consistent and rigorous manner throughout the Group”, says HOCHTIEF Executive Board member and Chief Sustainability Officer Martina Steffen.

The Dow Jones Sustainability World Index is one of the best-known sustainability indices and comprises the world's leading companies in the area of sustainability, as determined by S&P Global as part of its Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). It represents the top 10% of the largest 2,500 companies in the S&P Global BMI benchmark on the basis of long-term economic, environmental and social criteria.